The Robin Hood Open Exhibition 2020

As you will remember, I have set myself the goal of achieving a British Photo exhibitions 1 crown award and with that in mind, I entered the Robin Hood Open Exhibition 2020 earlier this year. Due to one thing and another that going on this year (Covid-19 for those reading this in the future) the […]
South Birmingham Photographic Society Image 20

I have just received my latest results from the open photographic exhibitions I have decided to enter this year. South Birmingham Photographic Society – Image 20 was held in late March. Acceptance into the exhibition gains credit towards the British Photographic Exhibitions Crown award that I have set myself the goal on achieving now I […]
Basingstoke Camera Club National Open Photography Exhibition 2020

In late February I entered the Basingstoke Camera Club National Open Photography Exhibition 2020, this is a exhibition accredited to British Photographic Exhibitions and is one of my first attempts at entering a national exhibition. As i wrote in a previous pos, I have set myself a goal of achieving the a BPE 1 Crown […]
The Michael P Diffley Memorial Trophy Competition

12th March 2020 saw 4th competition at Pudsey Camera Club that I was eligible to enter, The Michael P Diffley Memorial Trophy Competition. This is Digital Projected image where the photographer enters up to 4 digital images each in a different category, and the photographer with the total aggregate score wins. The available categories for the Michael P Diffley […]
British Photographic Exhibitions

As I listened to and saw more judges arrive my local camera club, I saw that many had BPE 1*, BPE 2* or BPE 3* after their names. I found out that these are award from British Photographic Exhibitions awarded for having your work accepted into a National Photographic Exhibitions hosted by various Camera Clubs around […]
Lynne Denton Rosebowl

20th February saw the annual Lynne Denton Rosebowl competition at Pudsey Camera Club. The Lynne Denton Rosebowl is an annual Portrait competition, where the entries are to entered as print with a maximum size of A4. Member are allowed to enter upto 3 images to the competition and they are judged on the evening with […]