The Robin Hood Open Exhibition 2020

The Robin Hood Open Exhibition 2020 - Pete Walker Photography

As you will remember, I have set myself the goal of achieving a British Photo exhibitions 1 crown award and with that in mind, I entered the Robin Hood Open Exhibition 2020 earlier this year. Due to one thing and another that going on this year (Covid-19 for those reading this in the future) the […]

South Birmingham Photographic Society Image 20

South Birmingham Photographic Society Image 20 - Pete Walker Photography

I have just received my latest results from the open photographic exhibitions I have decided to enter this year. South Birmingham Photographic Society – Image 20 was held in late March. Acceptance into the exhibition gains credit towards the British Photographic Exhibitions Crown award that I have set myself the goal on achieving now I […]

Basingstoke Camera Club National Open Photography Exhibition 2020


In late February I entered the Basingstoke Camera Club National Open Photography Exhibition 2020, this is a exhibition accredited to British Photographic Exhibitions and is one of my first attempts at entering a national exhibition. As i wrote in a previous pos, I have set myself a goal of achieving the a BPE 1 Crown […]

British Photographic Exhibitions

British Photographic Exhibitions

As I listened to and saw more judges arrive my local camera club, I saw that many had BPE 1*, BPE 2* or BPE 3* after their names. I found out that these are award from British Photographic Exhibitions awarded for having your work accepted into a National Photographic Exhibitions hosted by various Camera Clubs around […]