Sata Shinato – Night Lights

Sata Shinato – Night Lights Recommended in the course notes, Sata Shinato’s Night Lights series resonates with me on a personal level. In Hong Kong, I often find the light during the day to be flat and uninspiring, which is why I lean toward black and white photography. However, once the sun sets, the city’s […]
A3 EYV Rework

Here is a rework and rewritten assignment notes for Assignment 3. Mobile Phones in Hong Kong Having lived in Hong Kong for nearly seven years, I’ve witnessed firsthand how integral smartphones have become to everyday life. Street style photography, which reignited my passion for photography, has allowed me to capture this unique aspect of Hong […]
A3 EYV – Rework Semi Finalist

After further edit I’m down to 19 images.
A3 EYV Rework – Contact Sheets

After a brief edit and the addition of fresh images here are annotated contact sheets. Oh no I need to re-edit down from 38 Images again. Aggghhhhh….
A3 EYV – Tutor feedback

While my tutor’s feedback on Assignment 3 was encouraging, the overarching comment was that, as an essay on the decisive moment, the work felt patchy. The images were technically sound and hung together well as a set, but some weaker images brought the overall impact down—particularly image six, which, as my tutor pointed out, was […]
Cecil Beaton – War Photography

In the late 1990s, while undertaking City & Guilds photography at night school, I was tasked with writing a 2000-word assignment on a photographer. This idea terrified me, as I didn’t consider myself “arty” at the time. Many of my classmates, perhaps predictably, chose the seminal Ansel Adams, which was a natural fit given we […]