Ex 2.5 EYV

“Find a subject in front of a background with depth. Take a close viewpoint and zoom in; you’ll need to be aware of the minimum focusing distance of your lens. Focus on the subject and take a single shot. Then, without changing the focal length, set the focus to infinity and take a second shot.”



In the images above, I started by focusing on the Lego figure, and then, without changing my viewpoint, shifted the focus to infinity.

In the first image, the eye is naturally drawn to the Lego figure, then follows the leading line of the railing towards the tree and the background. However, since these elements are out of focus, the eye quickly returns to the Lego figure.

In the second image, while the Lego figure initially catches the viewer’s attention, the eye immediately shifts to the tree and background to explore their details. Once the focus returns to the Lego figure, this dynamic cycle begins again, creating a more engaging interaction with the image.

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