Mobile phones in Hong Kong

Pete's Statement of Intent

One thing that has always struck me about Hong Kong is how much smartphones are part of the culture there and always have been in the 10 years lived here. You may think that is not unusual, mobile phones are everywhere but, think back. I left the UK in 2008, and then if you had a friend with an iPhone it was unusual, they were in their infancy, you would crowd around them to ask to see it.

However, immediately on landing in Hong Kong, I felt like a Luddite having only a Sony flip phone. Everyone was connected 24/7.


Pete's Post Project Thoughts

These images were taken back in the summer of 2015, to illustrate what I felt about the prevalence of mobile phone and how they had become a norm in sociality.

Mobile phone dependance seemed to span all generations. I feel that this small galley illustrates how society appears to prioritise their mobile over everything else. No mater whether that be a friend, their child or just the world around them.

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