A couple of weeks ago I took a little wander around Central on a Saturday night, armed with just a 50mm lens and my trusty Canon 5DIII.
I love the 50mm on full frame combination. A 50mm was the first lens I owned with my first ever SLR camera (yes I did say SLR not DSLR) and using it solely for over a year it taught me a great deal; living up to its reputation as the best lens for self-development.
The 50mm lens gives an angle of view which approximately what your eye sees and it also has the advantage of being small, light and fast (unless you have the Canon f1.2L which is the size of a tank but I don’t have that issue) which makes it ideal for a walk in low light conditions.
Central is not my normal haunt for photography or any for that matter much else, so the challenge of the 50mm focal length was ideal, as I know it would make me think about my shots and search out subjects in a relatively unfamiliar location and the f1.4 aperture would give me plenty of light in the early evening.
I have tried to capture what I saw on the evening walk, thing things that stood out for me on that walk, markets stalls closing for the night, people heading to a night out and taxi and neon. The 50mm length is not perfect (it can be little tight for traditional street photography) but, it is pretty close to ideal, and it one lens that will always have a place in my bag.