A3 EYV Rework tutor comments.

Simon, my tutor, has just let me have his comments on my Assignment 3 re-work.

“Many thanks for sending through the rework of Assign 3. Your substitution of images improves the set in that it gives a more of a fleeting moment associated with the decisive moment. I think that you need to expand more about your reasoning for replicating Tri-X – yes it may well be what you used before, but you need to talk in terms of how this effects viewers’ impression of the image.”

 I like Simons comment gives me a lot more confidence in the images selected. I take on board the comments re the replication of Tri-X, and as I haven’t let Simon have sight of prints yet for this assignment (logistics as I live in Hong Kong), I will re-word the Assignment notes again and let Simon have it again with the prints, next week.

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